
FORCE1 CONSTRUCTION is committed to undertaking its business in a manner that recognizes the importance of environmental protection and sustainability.

The protection of the Environment is a priority in all stages of our works and across all project life cycles including design, construction, manufacture, use and disposal.

FORCE1 CONSTRUCTION recognizes that it has a responsibility for the protection of the environment and strives to lead by example, promoting industry best practice and driving sustainable outcomes in all our operations.

In implementing this policy, FORCE1 CONSTRUCTION is committed to:

  • Promoting the efficient use of resources and the waste management principles of avoid, reduce, re-use, recycle, recover, treat and dispose;
  • Seek to reduce the consumption of resources, including energy, water and materials;
  • Provide specific training to employees who implement the Environmental Management System;
  • Establish and review environmental objectives and targets to meet, or exceed, our obligations and ensure continual improvement;
  • Control construction related impacts including those related to noise, vibration, groundwater, air quality, water quality, land contamination and heritage preservation;
  • Foster a shared sense of responsibility for optimal environmental performance from top management through to subcontractors and individuals;
  • Promote and communicate environmental awareness among employees and subcontractors via regular training, which includes the definition of roles and responsibilities, FORCE1 CONSTRUCTION’s environmental policy and specific environmental issues relevant to their activities;
  • Comply with all applicable environmental legal and other requirements;
  • Meet the needs and expectations of clients, stakeholders, employees, interested parties and the community;
  • Implement, maintain and communicate an effective Environmental Management System that meets the ISO 14001 requirements, to ensure risks to the environment are identified, assessed and appropriately eliminated or controlled for continual improvement.

This Policy will be reviewed on a regular basis to align with our Strategic Plan and organisational goals.